
Privacy Policy - Protection of Personal Data

With this privacy policy – personal data protection information is provided in relation to the collection, storage, use and in general processing of your personal data which is done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 (GDPR) and the current legislation.

Controller – Contact – Information

The specially recognized charitable association with the name “Vocational Training Center” and the distinctive title “MARGARITA” (thereafter “the MARGARITA”), 4-6 Mesologiou Str., Nea Penteli, 15239, phone 210-8044812, email

For any relevant information or for any matter concerning this policy and your personal data in relation to the specific platform, you can contact the above postal or electronic address and telephone number.

Purposes of processing your personal data

MARGARITA created the platform “Ergasiamou” with the aim of providing, without any charge, the possibility for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find, with the assistance of specialized staff, the most suitable job for them with employers and companies that have already expressed their interest to employ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. For this purpose, you are requested to complete a special form (candidate employee and prospective employer), in which you provide the same information regarding your personal data. Therefore, the processing of this data by MARGARITA is done in order to satisfy your request, within the framework of your agreement with MARGARITA, as reflected in the platform and its terms of use. At the same time, in relation to the health data resulting indirectly from the completion of the relevant form by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their processing serves the fulfillment of your request and our agreement for the provision of social care services (work integration and rehabilitation), which it is done under the responsibility of a professional covered by professional confidentiality.

Data we collect

For the above purposes, MARGARITA processes personal data provided only by you, the interested parties, or your legal assistants. In particular, we process the identity and contact details of the prospective employees and employers as well as of the person who may help you in filling out the special form, while in particular the special form filled in by the job candidates collects information regarding free time and work preferences, abilities, personal characteristics, education and specialized knowledge, education/employment in a disability care provider and CV information, which you may send us.

In every case, we collect only data that are absolutely necessary for the purpose of processing your request, and this data are used only for the purpose for which they are collected.

Recipients – Transmission of personal data

We do not share or provide your personal data to third parties for any purpose. The information you provide us in the special form you fill out is not disclosed to prospective employers and employees or to any third party. This information remains at MARGARITA so that our specialized staff (social workers, psychologists, special trainers, etc.), who are under our supervision and committed to maintaining confidentiality and applying appropriate measures to protect your data, can be able to assess the suitability of the position for the candidate and the candidate for the position and then take the appropriate actions to enable employment placement.

Your data is shared only in case we are obliged to do so by virtue of an audit or investigation by a relevant public authority in accordance with the applicable law.

We do not transfer your data to third countries outside the European Union or international organizations.

Retention time of personal data

Your personal data is kept only for as long as your request for the provision of the platform’s services remains active. You can contact at any time the email and withdraw your interest, so both the form and the personal data and information that you have provided to us will be deleted immediately and securely.

Data Security

We take care to ensure the appropriate level of protection (confidentiality, integrity and availability) of your personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, deletion or loss. For this purpose, we adopt a series of technical and organizational measures which we seek to continuously improve. Among them, physical protection measures and electronic file protection measures are taken, such as password encryption systems, firewall and antimalware to protect the website.

Automated decision making – profiling

The selection and proposal of a specific employee or employer/business is not a decision taken and indeed exclusively based on automated processing or profiling but is the result of an organized methodology based on scientific criteria. In every case where profiling (evaluation of personal aspects of the prospective employee, such as preferences, interests, etc.) is necessary for the provision of the specific employment integration service, and while MARGARITA applies the appropriate measures to protect your rights, human intervention is ensured and the possibility of expressing an opinion and questioning each choice is given.

Your rights

You have the following rights in the processing of your data:

  1. a) Request access to your personal data held by us (copies, information)
  2. b) Request the correction and/or completion of your data so that it is complete, accurate and current
  3. c) Request the deletion of your data in the following cases: if you withdraw your interest from the specific service, if the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, if the data was processed illegally or if this is required by our legal obligation
  4. d) To request the restriction of the processing of your data in the following cases: in case of questioning the accuracy of the data and until it is verified, in the case of your opposition to the processing or deletion of the data, in the case that your data is no longer necessary for us but required to establish, implement, and support your legal claims
  5. e) Request that we deliver to you or transmit to any other controller your data in an appropriate format, provided that the processing is done electronically by automated means.


Exercise of rights

To exercise your rights, you can write to the data controller at the above-mentioned postal or electronic address with the subject EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. We will make every effort to respond to your request within thirty (30) days of its submission at no charge to you, except for noticeably unfounded, excessive or repetitive requests. If your request is rejected, you will be informed of the reasons within the same period. In the event that more time is required to satisfy your request – and up to sixty (60) additional days – you will also be informed within one month of submitting your request.

If you believe that your rights are violated in any way, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority (1-3 Kifissia’s Ave., Athens 11523, email:, fax 210-6475628,

Special topics


Your photos will not be taken or used in order to promote the specific service (e.g. in case you find a job through the platform) except with your expressed consent, which we will request specifically and if necessary, unless the photo does not reveal your face identity. In case you give your consent, you will have the right at any time to withdraw it, without this having any effect on the services provided by us and without affecting the legality of the processing based on your consent before its withdrawal. The withdrawal of your consent can be done in writing to the postal address listed above or electronically to the email address listed above with the subject REVOCATION OF CONSENT.

Cloud storage

Your personal data that are kept electronically may, for reasons of protection, be stored in a special computing cloud provided by a company established in a country of the European Union or outside the European Union that is bound by the General Data Protection Regulation or in a third country that will have adequacy decision or the appropriate safeguards to protect your data.


Cookies are small files that are sent to a user’s computer when they visit a website. They are unique to each web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox , etc.) and contain anonymous information, which relates to the websites you visit and the devices you use. In general, cookies perform many functions, such as facilitating your browsing from one website to another, saving your preferences and generally improving the experience of browsing the website. Cookies are “stored” in your browser, but they do not become aware of any document or file from your computer. Our website only uses technically necessary cookies, i.e. those that are necessary to carry out the transmission of a communication through an electronic communications network during your browsing.

The role of these cookies is to store information or gain access to already stored information on your device, with the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication through an electronic communications network. In accordance with the relevant legislation and the instructions of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, there is no obligation to obtain your consent for the use of these cookies or, otherwise, you do not have to choose whether to reject their installation, as without them it would not be technically possible to access our website.

As a visitor to our website, you can set your browser in such a way that it prohibits the reception of all cookies or notifies you when a cookie is sent. However, you as a visitor to our website should be generally aware that in the case of blocking cookies, certain features or services of the website may not function normally.

Update of this

MARGARITA may update this privacy policy – protection of personal data whenever it deems it necessary. For this reason, please refer to the respective data protection policy that will be posted on the website and be informed of its current version.

Do you want to contact us?

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or call us at 0030 210 6138 150

or call us at 0030 210 6138 150