
Terms and Conditions of “Ergasiamou” Platform

The following terms of use of “Ergasiamou” platform constitute the terms of the agreement between us.  By registering your participation through completing the relevant electronic form as an interested party, either to find work or to find an employee, you agree to your commitment to these terms, including the relevant instructions, information and procedures of the Platform and the policies implemented by us at any time, such as our privacy policy – protection of personal data.

Basic concepts and principles

Platform:  The present “Ergasiamou” website, which aims to provide, without any charge, the opportunity for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find, with the assistance of specialized staff, the most suitable work for them in employers and businesses that have already declared their interest in employing people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  The platform is a tool developed for this purpose by “MARGARITA” Vocational Training Center, aiming at the labor inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their engagement in the open labor market within the framework of the World of difference Program with the funding of the VODAFONE Foundation.  Employers also have access to the above vulnerable group and find people with talents, specific interests and a strong will to work.

Owner and manager:  The creator of the platform has the intellectual property rights and their exploitation, namely the specially recognized charity association under the name “Vocational Training Center” and the distinctive title “MARGARITA”, hereinafter also as VTC MARGARITA, based in Nea Penteli (4-6 Mesologiou Str.), VAT number 090035752, DOY Cholargos. The owner is also the platform manager.

Candidate employee:  The person interested in finding work, who belongs to the group of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and who wishes to make use of the services offered by the platform.  Prospective employees in this pilot phase of the platform are beneficiaries of VTC MARGARITA.

Employer:  The interested employer who seeks and wishes to hire an employee of the above group.  An employer may be any private, business or public service entity, the State itself, local authorities or public law entities.

Prospective employees and employers are the platform users 

Agreement:  These terms of use together with the relevant instructions, information and procedures as well as the applicable policies of the owner and administrator.

Basic principles:  The spirit that governs the idea and design of this platform, as well as the entire action of VTC MARGARITA, is the respect for the value and rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities and the European Pillar of Social Rights,  labor is everyone’s right and contributes to the improvement of human life.

How the Platform works

To access the services of the Platform you must have a computer, compatible mobile phone or mobile device (tablet, laptop), Internet access, data and minimum system and operating software requirements.

Prospective employees:

The prospective employees enter the platform and complete the form titled “I want to work” by clicking on the corresponding link.  This form is the application form for finding work.  At the end of the application, the prospective employee should declare that he/she was informed and accepts the terms of use of the platform and that she/he was informed about the processing of his/her personal data.  If she/he does not make the above statements unfortunately he/she cannot be provided with services through the platform.  The application shall be forwarded to the relevant department, namely the Supported Employment Department of MARGARITA, which consists of qualified personnel.  The application is then evaluated by the Supported Employment Department.  If more information is required, the Supported Employment Department will contact the candidate or the person who completed the application.

The prospective employee should be an adult.  In the event that he/she is under judicial support, the application should be supplemented by the agreement of the legal representative, whose name and contact telephone should be indicated.

In the case where the application is completed with the help of another person (e.g. a legal representative, parent or other relative, a personal institution providing special education, training and so on), that person should act in accordance with the wishes of the candidate worker and his/her legal representative, if there is one.

The person who helps must state his/her name and phone number and declare that he/she has both read and helped the prospective employee to be informed and understand the terms of use of the platform and the privacy policy – protection of personal data.  Otherwise, unfortunately, services cannot be provided through the platform.


Employers enter the platform and fill out the form entitled “Looking for an Employee” by clicking on the relevant link.  This form is the application for the search for an employee.  At the end of the application, the employer must declare that he/she was informed and accepts the terms of use of the platform and that he/she was informed about the processing of his/her personal data.

If he/she does not make the above statements unfortunately he/she cannot be provided with services through the platform.  The application shall be forwarded to the relevant department, namely the Supported Employment Department of MARGARITA, which consists of qualified personnel.  The application is then evaluated by the Supported Employment Department.  If more information is required, the Supported Employment Department will contact the employer.

The application can be completed by the employer himself/herself or his/her authorized staff.

Duration of provision of the platform services – termination

The platform will operate as a pilot for the beneficiaries of VTC MARGARITA for a period that will be assessed according to the interest expressed and the achievement of its objectives.  The aim of VTC MARGARITA is to continue the operation of the platform under the same conditions or by extending it to beneficiaries of other bodies in the area of intellectual and developmental disabilities or anyone else belonging to the above group and wishing to work, if the conditions allow it.

Both prospective employees and employers can terminate the cooperation with the platform and withdraw their request at any time without any further consequence, stating their wish in an email to or Tel 210-8044812 (Mr. Tourlidas), at which point the provision of the relevant services automatically expires.

The provision of the platform services for the prospective employee also ends when he/she finds work either through the platform or in any other way, if he/she notifies the above email address or phone number.  The provision of the platform services to the employer expires when he/she finds an employee for the position he/she has proposed, unless he/she informs in the email address or phone number above that he/she remains interested in another prospective employee.

Other reasons for terminating the services provided:

– If the candidate is in a status of judicial support and there is no agreement of his/her legal support either in the submission of the application or in the proposed job.  In the latter case, the candidate’s application may remain in effect, if the candidate and his legal representative so wish, in case other positions that exist or arise in the future may be proposed to the candidate.

– If the Supported Employment Department of MARGARITA considers that the candidate employee is not yet ready to work in the free market or if it is found that the candidate employee does not want to find work and the application was either submitted against his/her will or he/she subsequently regretted its submission.

– If the Supported Employment Department of MARGARITA considers that the type or conditions of work at a specific employer do not meet the basic principles governing the platform

The owner and administrator reserves the right to modify and/or temporarily or permanently interrupt part or all of its services with or without warning to users, as long as there is a serious reason. Users acknowledge that they have no right to compensation in any way against the owner.

Charge for the service

The services of the platform are provided free of charge, without any fees, costs or expenses whatsoever.

Response time and fulfillment of the request

The relevant agency will contact you within approximately two weeks if you are a prospective employee, and within approximately one week if you are an employer, in order to let you know, after making any necessary clarifications, whether it has a suitable job position or a suitable employee to recommend. Fulfillment of the request with the workplace placement, after prior on-the-job training in consultation with VTC MARGARITA and the employer, depends on whether a suitable position will be found for the prospective employee or the suitable employee for the employer as well as the necessary specifications for the position.

In the event of force majeure or a justified obstacle for which you will be informed as soon as possible, no liability arises from any delay or failure to fulfill the relevant services.

Statements – disclaimer

We rely on the truth, accuracy and completeness of all information you provide to us when completing your application on the Platform, whereby you represent and warrant that all information provided to us is true, accurate, complete and in no way misleading, and it should be kept that way.

You are solely responsible for the content of the answers you complete in your application as well as for the content of any information, text, messages, audio-visual material, link to another website or, in general, a file readable/executable by a computer or other electronic device that you post on the website, in the case that this opportunity is either provided to you now or will be provided to you in the future by the platform. Any publication/posting/submission in this case must be based on your relevant right (by law or contractual relationship), while you grant us the relevant right to use this content exclusively for the purposes of the platform.

In all cases, the content of the above material is prohibited: a) to be illegal, abusive, vulgar, pornographic, threatening, defamatory, disturbing, harmful to minors or to express ethnic, racial or other discrimination, b) to violate intellectual or other proprietary rights of third parties, c) to include any virus, harmful software or code (malware), unsolicited advertising material (pop – up) and unsolicited bulk mail (spam) that may cause either temporary or permanent damage/malfunction to any computer hardware and software and in general electronic devices or delays, interferences and interruptions in the operations of the servers or any telecommunication network, d) to contain a false statement regarding the person or impersonation of any person (natural or legal).

We have the right not to accept your application, acting in good faith and with valid reasons.

We have the right to remove, disable or restrict access to any material you submit if we reasonably believe in good faith that it violates the terms of use. In the event that any third party takes legal action against us for infringement of any of their legal property, which falls within the scope of your responsibility as a user, we reserve the right to take recourse against you. Along with any third-party claims, we reserve the right to indemnify you for breach of the terms of use and for any legal consequence arising therefrom.

We expressly state that we do not guarantee:

– for the continuous availability and continuous operation of the platform without errors. Platform services may not be available from time to time, may be offered on a limited basis, or may vary depending on your region or device. We make every effort to keep the services up and running. However, all online services experience occasional outages and malfunctions. We are not responsible for any disruption or loss you may suffer as a result of not being able to access the Platform.

– for the accuracy and completeness or other information submitted by any user (prospective employee or employer), including their identity. Any risks are limited but not eliminated by the communication carried out by the Supported Employment Department with those concerned.

– to find work for the prospective employee or an employee for the employer. The relevant Department receives the requests and makes every effort to match them with an available and suitable open position or with an available suitable employee

– for the response of the proposed job position or the proposed employee to your expectations. Therefore, we carry no responsibility if the job position does not prove to be suitable for you, or if the employer does not meet his/her obligations.

We are also not responsible if the employee does not prove to be suitable for the job or does not perform his/her job properly or causes any kind of malfunction in your business or your service. Moreover, we bear no responsibility for any harm or damage you suffer from an unsuitable job or an unsuitable employee and no penalty, of any kind, is imposed on the employee or employer who is not found to be suitable. From the moment it becomes possible for an employee and an employer – users of the platform – to enter into an employment relationship, the observance of both parties’ obligations by law and contract concerns only them. VTC MARGARITA has no involvement in disputes that may arise between employees and employers who are users of the platform.

Intellectual Property Rights

The concept, title, design and content of the Platform, all texts on each of its pages, logos, images, designs, color schemes, layout of the Platform pages, button formats and other graphic elements, software, various hardware, methodology, design implementation etc. used during the provision of the Platform’s services are the exclusive property of VTC MARGARITA, beyond any rights of use granted by third parties following a relevant license. Our above rights are reserved and may not be copied, modified, used or exploited in any way without our prior written consent. In particular, copying and using any part of the Platform for commercial purposes or incorporating all or part of the Platform into any other web page, website, platform, application or other digital or non-digital format is prohibited without our prior written permission.


The terms of the agreement can be modified at any time. We advise you to regularly visit the terms of use. In case of modification of the terms of use you have the right to request the interruption of the services of the platform without any further consequence.

Do you want to contact us?

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or call us at 0030 210 6138 150

or call us at 0030 210 6138 150